it’s official. laura is the best co-op ever. she’s been working with us all fall, she’s extremely cool, and today she brought everyone in the group their own plate of really yummy cookies. i’m going to have to figure out a way to keep her here. we like her much more than texas a&m does, i’m sure.
so we went to see “the two towers” last night, and it was awesome. thoughts:
- i love the ents. i love how slow they move. i love how they don’t want to mess in anyone’s business until someone messes in theirs. i love the idea of trees fighting back.
- liv tyler was unnecessary. or maybe i just don’t like liv tyler.
- gollum was very well done. there were times that i forgot he was computer-done. i know that an actor originally did all the movements to make them realistic, and that definitely helped. but i was just amazed at how well-done gollum was. as carter would say, if the movie industry can do computer-generated characters that well, why make bad ones?
- comedy. two towers is a serious story, and i thought the bits of comic relief thrown in (gimli in particular) was nice. i laughed hardest i think when he couldn’t see over the top of th wall at helm’s deep.
- how the hell did legolas get onto that horse without being trampled? and who can surf on a shield while continually firing arrows with deadly accuracy? fantastic.
- new zealand. dear god, i must go there. it’s gorgeous.
- viggo mortenson. yum. i like that “been dragged off a cliff by a crazy orc-wolf” rugged look.
in the end, though i felt it took 20 minutes or so for the movie to really get going, i really enjoyed it. i can’t believe i now have to wait another year for the final installment.
tonight i’m going to see a few friends in a local performance of oliver and packing because…i head home tomorrow! wahoo! christmas vacation.