it’s funny how 7:00 seems really late when you get up at 7 a.m. and spend the next 10 hours driving a uhaul and doing heavy lifting. every muscle in my body got a workout today, and i think every muscle is trying to make me pay for it. and yet it’s oddly satisfying. tonight i feel like i could conquer the world, and all i did was move some furniture.
anyway, for all intents and purposes, becca and kennda (becca’s new roommate) are all moved into their new home! there are still some odds and ends left in their respective apartments, but the vast majority of their belongings and all of their furniture is now in the new house.
the best part of the whole day was that i got to be the pimpin’ uhaul driver. hee hee. it was quite fun to drive the big 14-foot truck back and forth between apartments and the house. becca and i picked up the truck at 8 a.m., drove to lowe’s to pick up the refrigerator, got the washer and dryer from the home of the woman becca bought them from, delivered the appliances to the house, and finally got back to her apartment at 10:00. soon there were a dozen people ferrying boxes and furniture from the apartment to the truck, and then from the truck to the house. we made three trips–one and a half to becca’s apartment, one and a half to kennda’s place.
i have to admit that the day went surprisingly smoothly. i had expected some headaches and problems that inevitably occur during a move, but i think the biggest issue we had was getting the refrigerator through the door. and that was quickly solved by the combined power of our engineering minds and a tool kit. the door came off its hinges and voila, the refrigerator was inside.
it really is a lovely house. it makes me want a house…