the past two mornings have made me realize how nice it is to have a garage. yesterday, when it was pouring rain, i didn’t have to struggle with closing the umbrella and the car door at the same time while simultaneously trying not to let too much water in. today, when it was really cold outside, my car was still reasonably warm because it didn’t spend the night outside.
yay garage.
i think that when becca wears festive/tacky earrings to work, she’s just asking for me to tease her.
i totally want a camera phone. i am so susceptible to advertising. and george just clued me in on how to get t-mobile to give me the phone i want…because amazon has really good online rebates that will get me a camera phone for free with new activation. so i just wait till january when my contract is about to expire, call them up, ask for the phone i want, and then when they tell me they can’t give it to me, i just threaten to cancel, explaining that i can get the phone i want for free online! then they give me what i want. it worked for george.
i found this cool 5k for us to do in january. it’s the first ever rockets run (as in the houston rockets, the nba team), and running the race gets you not only the usual race t-shirt, but it also gets you a complimentary ticket to the rockets-nuggets basketball game that night! cool! i haven’t been to an nba game since i went with courtney to see the lakers play the hawks in atlanta two years ago, and before that, not since junior high or something…when the hornets were still a new phenomenon and they hadn’t moved to new orleans. ah well. silly hornets.
tonight is the branch christmas party. fun fun. except i still haven’t bought my $10 exchange gift yet…help, i need ideas!! i was going to buy an amaryllis bulb because i am all in love with the amaryllis i am currently growing on my kitchen counter, but becca says that’s a girl-specific gift. she is probably right. but speaking of my own amaryllis, i’ve decided that i’m going to call him ivan and take pictures of his growth and make a webpage to prove my plant-growing abilities (which are doubted by many, many people after a couple unfortunate episodes with cactii).
and that’s all she wrote.
(10:17 a.m.)
i have many friends that also keep online journals. it’s nice, because i always have a way to know something about what they’re thinking. today, christina wrote something i really liked. (i always hesitate to link to my friends’ pages for reasons i don’t want to put into words, but then again, we all know that when you publish online, you forfeit control of who reads what you write. therefore, i decided to go ahead and give the link because i don’t want to copy and paste her entire entry.) she has a way of putting her ideas into words that i just can’t match. her entry from yesterday about relationships and dating in my generation is very much how i find myself feeling these days. the most astute of her observations in my opinion:
i think it is because my generation forms deep intimate relationships with friends – not physically intimate, but emotionally and socially intimate, so those needs are being filled by friends which were before being only filled by lovers. and so we fulfill our physical intimacy needs with random hook ups – with friends, with strangers.