so i totally forgot that today and tomorrow i will be in yet another class (not technically training, just a generic “understanding space” class). though i really shouldn’t complain, because i do enjoy the way classes shake up my work schedule. nothing is worse than sitting at my desk all day, every day for weeks.
we finally played softball again last night after three straight weeks of being rained out. because of the way the schedule worked out with all the rainouts, we actually ended up playing the same team we played a month ago. unfortunately we lost this time (we won last time) by a score of 9-6. i played right field again and only one ball came my way. probably a good thing, since i’m not so good at judging fly balls. but on offense…nick, our team “manager”, had moved me from 10th in the order to 4th! this was very cool. since we play co-ed and have to bat in boy-girl-boy-girl order, being moved from the 5th girl in the lineup to the 2nd girl in the lineup made me feel really good. i hit well too–i went 2-for-4. no rbis, unfortunately. and in my last at-bat, in the last inning of the game, with 2 outs and us down by 3…i hit a line drive to the shortstop to end the game.
it was such a solid hit, it just went right to him. dang it. oh well.
i dragged myself out of bed for fitness class this morning and ran 3 miles at a slow pace–33 or 34 minutes overall. {sigh} after not running regularly from june through september, it is really taking me a while to get back into it. i’m still not past the point where running stops becoming a chore and becomes something i want to do, but hey, it happened once back in march, so i have faith that it will happen again if i can just keep going.
well. back to class.