yeah, late update today. i graduated from training academy, came home, went running. whee.
becca did the name game thing that i posted here yesterday. she said she had some issues with hers, but that mind was “right on.” i wonder if she realizes that it is just some formula that spits out sentences based on the letters in your name, and therefore cannot be taken at all seriously. i will have to tease her about it.
so i think that with november having arrived and all, summer is officially over in houston. on halloween, debbie and jason and i noticed that it was chilly outside for the first time, really, and it has stayed that way for a week now. it’s actually really lovely outside now that it has stopped raining (knock on wood). the sun is bright, the sky is blue, there is a bit of a breeze, and the temperature is ideal–about 70 degrees. the odd thing is that it seems colder than that in my apartment. my hands and feet are always numb; my extremities are always cold it seems. but i don’t want to turn the heat on yet. so i just sit on my feet, and keep my hands busy typing or cooking or reading.
i realized today that i’ve reached some sort of turning point in my running. in the past, when i ran it felt as if my legs could go on forever and ever, and my reason for stopping was always that i was gasping for breath. it was like i couldn’t get enough oxygen. these days, the situation has reversed. my cardiovascular system and overall endurance has improved to where i feel like i could run for days at a smooth 11:00/mile pace (slow, i know, but still)…but now my legs hurt. i rarely can run without having pain in my shins. love those shin splints. ugh! usually i can run through them and once i get warmed up the pain subsides to a dull ache, but yesterday they hurt enough that i had to stop running.