i’m updating from home today! see, today is the first day of this work training thing i’m doing, and we ended up with a 1.5 hour lunch today, and so i decided to come home for lunch and relax.
more about the course. see, i have finally begun training academy, a 2-part 6-week course for new nasa employees. yes, i know, i’ve been full-time for almost three months now and co-oped for years before that, and yes, i technically could grandfather out of taking it since i started working at nasa before training academy was even invented, and yes, and i already know a lot of things about the space program…but it was suggested that i take it anyway.
i know that some of the material will be quite repetitive of things i’ve heard before, and i’m not going to go on the tour next week because i’ve seen it all at least 2 or 3 times now, but i’ve talked to my other friends who’ve been through the classes and i think some of the stuff will be good. plus, it’s a chance to meet some other new-ish employees, though i must say, our class is quite small and there are no cute guys. woe is me.
i’m in part 1 all day every day through next wednesday. next thursday is the beginning of part 2, and for two weeks i’ll be auditing the classes about the space station. as an auditor, i’ll get to pick and choose what i want and don’t want to sit through (some of it is very technical things that you just don’t need to know unless you’re actually working on that system). then after two weeks of auditing the space station part, i’ll be in class all day every day for another two weeks for the space shuttle part. i’m taking that part since i actually will do work relating to the really technical parts of the shuttle. actually, my biggest worry about the whole thing is that it’s taking me away from work for 8 hours a day, and i really do have some things i need to get done. i think i’ll be earning a lot of credit hours this next month…
anyway, what all that means for you lovely people who read my journal is that for the next month and a half, my updates may be fewer, or at least not made during the usual 9-10 a.m. time frame.
the braves lost last night, and i really don’t know what to say to convey my disappointment. i can only wonder…when is it going to be their year? in the postseason 11 years running…and when is it going to be their year? i’d cheer for the giants from here on out on account of them being one of my second-favorite teams…but i just don’t have the heart to cheer for a team that sent my braves reeling once again.
not that the braves didn’t have their chances. sooo many golden opportunities to score last night, and they just didn’t.
i hate it when the baseball season ends.
curt’s birthday dinner at saltgrass steakhouse last night was nice. it would have been better if i hadn’t been sitting next to cari, originally from sacramento and thus a giants fan. {sigh} torture, especially when bonds hit that damn home run. after dinner we went to curt’s apartment for cake and ice cream. all through dinner and cake and ice cream i was watching or listening to the game. i left curt’s at the end of the 8th inning, because i didn’t want to watch the end of the game in front of a bunch of people laughing at me for being such a “crazed” fan. i drove home listening to the top of the 9th, and watched the bottom of the 9th alone on my couch in the dark.
i jumped up and down when furcal made it on base, and again when franco got that single. i was biting my nails down to nubs as sheffield took his chops, and groaned when he struck out. i really thought they were going to do it, i was on my feet and shifting back and forth, and when chipper hit into the double play, for a moment i didn’t realize that it was over. when it hit me, i just collapsed in silence.
{sigh} it was a good year. it could have been better.