i really like this coming-home-for-lunch thing. it’s like a siesta. i come home, i fix myself some lunch, i watch part of whatever movie is on tv. quite nice.
training academy is starting to become obnoxious. this morning we had an eva ops (extravehicular activity operations) briefing that was interesting, but then we had to sit through the “final review session” for the dinky little multiple choice test we have to take next tuesday. i got practically all the questions right during the pre-test, so i have no doubt that i’ll be getting 100 on wednesday, even without the review session. {sigh} the woman who’s in charge of training academy is really annoying, and refuses to listen to anyone who tells her that the engineering directorate actually does do more than just shuttle and station. stuff like that, ad nauseum. plus she is way too excited about being charge of training academy, and she has an obnoxiously loud and fakey laugh.
anyway. i’m probably just cranky because i have to get up and sit through classes all day.
so here it is, a three-day weekend (columbus day’s a paid holiday for us government folk), and i have absolutely no plans except for tomorrow morning (race for the cure and soccer game). debbie, chris, curt, and cari are all off to california for katie’s wedding–god i wish i were going. they’re going to san francisco and napa; i miss those places so much. and jason is going to austin for janna and jason dake’s wedding. what is up with all these marriages? becca is busy with this world space congress stuff (don’t ask). ron and buzz are going to spend the weekend checking out wedding venues.
yeah, so basically everyone has plans except me. i guess it will be a mental health weekend this time around. i do need to go to ikea, and i guess i’ll have time to repaint my sewing table. and vacuum. and exercise. i suppose.