lili is still headed straight for us, though it looks poised to take a turn for the texas/louisiana border later today. that would leave us with tropical storm strength winds and probably a bunch of rain. whee. however, if it doesn’t turn, we’re in for a fun time.
yesterday i found out southwestern bell is indeed a bastard, as becca had said they might be. i signed up for an international calling plan that gives me a rate of 13 cents/minute to france…but what they didn’t tell me (despite my asking the question explicitly) was that there is a 16 cent/minute surcharge if i call a mobile phone in france. so if i call nick’s cell, i’m actually paying 29 cents/minute. i specifically asked the woman about that when i called to set up my international plan, because becca had the same problem with hers, and the woman told me it was 13 cents no matter what i called in france. liar! now i will have to only call nick’s home phone. grumble, grumble.
this article in the onion today is great: Bush Seeks U.N. Support For ‘U.S. Does Whatever It Wants’ Plan. “This kindness played a vital role in our national healing process, but, more importantly, it cemented our long-standing self-image as the country, with all other nations lumped together into a vague, foreign Other Place. I call upon you now to join us in our vision of America as the only country whose wishes matter.” very funny, and scarily close to what it sometimes seems like bush is doing with this whole iraq thing.
i hate the yankees, and the way they never die. looking forward to the braves getting underway this afternoon.
this morning i had the second part of my physical, the part when i actually meet with the doctor and she goes over my bloodwork and stuff. i have been pronounced in fine shape. so, today i’ve been early to rise, and healthy. now i just need to work on the early to bed, wealthy and wise parts.
(2:47 p.m.)
ok. i’m sitting here at work wondering why we’re even attempting to work. no one’s actually doing anything except reloading weather webpages over and over. that, and playing armchair meteorologist. lili is still heading our way and has quickly strengthened to a not-to-be-fooled-with category 4 hurricane (that’s sustained winds >130 mph). they are still expecting it to start making a turn to the north…but they won’t know how much it will turn for sure until later this evening. i think i’m gonna go home, pack a bag, and keep watching the forecast. later tonight i’ll make a decision on whether to head out or not.
and the braves are losing. badly. suck.