so lili has made her choice, and decided to go for cajun over bbq, and houston makes its second escape in as many weeks. it’s not even rainy. sunny and mostly clear. a little breezy, but nothing out of the ordinary. silly lili.
why does getting a shot in the arm make your arm hurt? yesterday at the clinic i got the booster shots for hepatitis a and b to finish the series i started back in march before i went to mexico. this morning when i raised my arms in the shower to wash my hair, i could feel where the needle had been stuck in both arms. a sore spot in the muscle. why is that? i mean, i know it always happens, but now that i’ve started thinking about it, i want to know why. does it have to do with the vaccine injected, or is it simply a fact of having a needle stuck in your arm?
anyway. let’s see, what else… my plans to create a darkroom are progressing nicely. my intentions of getting my finances in order are being made good. the necessity of vacuuming my apartment is not being taken care of because i’m a big procrastinator.
my feel-good moment of the day was this morning when i got this from jen:
hey sarah,
at dinner today i got asked for oh about the 50th time if i knew sarah graybeal. this started a discussion about how much everyone liked your cookies and strawberry shortcake! everyone said you made the best desserts . . . just thought i’d pass on the compliment.
awww. i miss dinner at breakers. i wish i could write the entire club an email saying hello. fortunately, when i go back to visit i’ll be able to go eat there. maybe they’ll even let me make dessert one night!
the braves play again tonight. i sure hope they win! in the meantime, last night i watched the second half of the yankees/angels and was quite happy to see the yankees go down. then this morning i was reading commentary and found this: “For six months, approximately 11 people outside of Anaheim in the entire country even know the Anaheim Angels exist. Then, as soon as the calendar flips to October, everybody with a TV wants to manage them.” thought it was funny.