first things first. pictures from scotland (all 252 of them; i love having a digital camera) have been posted here for your viewing pleasure. if you don’t want to look at 252 pictures individually, there are convenient index pages so you can skim.
last night i got to shave jason’s head! (before, during, and after pictures are here.) he wanted something different, and when he mentioned the thought of shaving his head, all i could say was “doooooo it!” so he did, and i got to be the head-shaver! ok, so we’re not talking completely bic-razor-to-the-scalp bald, but close. we progressed from a #4 guard to a #2 and finally to a #1 after ensuring that his head wasn’t oddly shaped, so now his hair is about 1/8 of an inch all the way around.
i have to say, it was quite fun, almost enough to convince me to shave my own head just for the kick of watching 8 inches of hair fall onto the patio. almost, but not quite. if there are any guys out there who want their head shaved, please let me know and i would be happy to oblige.
i have recently developed this problem where some of my earrings are suicidal. yesterday one earring from a pair i bought in scotland jumped out of my ear and i didn’t notice until i got in my car to go home. annoyed, i retraced my steps all the way back to my office and had almost given up when i remembered to check in the bathroom, and there it was, trying to hide amongst the cracks between tiles on the floor inside the stall. ha ha! i triumphed over the sneaky little bugger. i’ve had this problem with other pairs as well, so today i’m going to go to the craft store and buy french hook earring backs. that’ll stifle their hara-kari plans.
i’ve also decided that i am going to turn my little bathroom into a little darkroom. i am determined, and have started pricing equipment. i found what looks to be a good starter kit (enlarger, lens, film container, etc) for just under $400; there is also a guy on the swap shop selling a set of color darkroom supplies for $600.
i miss feeling creative. some days i think nasa is wonderful, but some days i feel as if it is sucking away my soul. these days i feel restless here. i’m sure it is because i have been here for long enough now to be getting ready to go back to school. i’m sure it is because my friends at stanford are starting up again. i’m sure the feeling will go away soon. i hope it will.
(11:40 a.m.)
from jim baker’s column on
Mr. Kent and Mr. Bonds
Mr. Kent and Mr. Bonds:
Monster hitting pitch gourmands.
Of each other not so fond —
Mr. Kent and Mr. Bonds.Mr. Bonds and Mr. Kent.
To the cinema never went.
Christmas cards are never sent
‘twixt Mr. Bonds and Mr. Kent.Mr. Bonds and Mr. Kent
Fussing, feuding Giant gents
But in the midst of such dissent
Said Mr. Bonds of Mr. Kent:“Mr. Kent,” said Mr. Bonds,
“Must remain and not go yon.
If he leaves, I shall despond,”
Said of Kent that Mr. Bonds.
cute. anyway. time to take jason to the airport; he’s going to italy for a week.