i have now run 2 races in houston, and racked up my 2 worst times ever. even my very first race, when i had never even done one before, was better than the 2 i’ve done in the last 2 months. i’m very disappointed in myself for letting my body and my level of fitness slide over the past three months, basically since graduating from stanford. i’m glad to have started this fitness program at work, hopefully it will get me off my ass and back into the good shape i was enjoying in the spring.
debbie and i drove all the way to intercontinental, a.k.a. “the big airport,” to run in a 5k that consisted of two laps around a new cargo taxiway. the route was the most boring one i’ve run in my life, but the steady stream of planes passing 100 feet overhead on their way to land made it interesting.
i always forget how freaking far away intercontinental is. and i’ve been there 3 times this week, and on monday will make it 4 times in 8 days. coming back from scotland last sunday. taking jason on tuesday. running the race today. picking jason up on monday. i’m putting a lot of miles on my little car.
nick called yesterday (from france!) while i was still at work. {sigh} i miss having him here, but it sounds like he is having a great time so far in aix-en-provence. i was looking up airline tickets today. i can fly into marseille for only $50-100 more than flying into paris. on either british airways or air france, no less, which are both more comfortable than american carriers. this is a fantastic revelation, as flying into paris would involve a $100, 4 hour ride on the tgv to get down to aix, while marseille is much closer. here’s a map, see aix-en-provence, all the way down in the southeast corner? see how much better it would be to fly to marseille?
this afternoon i went to a bridal shower for my friend katie who’s marrying a great guy named fred on october 13. i’d never been to a true bridal shower before–you know, where it’s only girls there and you play the silly games and such. it was fun, and i won a prize for not saying any of the forbidden words (katie, fred, bride, groom, marriage). silly, silly. but nice. katie is one of the nicest and most sincere people that i know. she always listens and always has something well-thought-out and reasonable to say. she’s just the kind of person who is always smiling, and i wish her all the best.