as those silly hurricanes are wont to do, isadore has shifted a bit and now appears to be headed straight for new orleans. that’s better news for me, but i i figure that no matter where it lands, it’ll be close enough to dump a lot of rain on houston. we’ll see. looks like it’ll get here sometime late tomorrow or thursday.
in the meantime, i’m going to continue to enjoy this absolutely wonderful weather! last night i got home from picking jason up at the airport, turned off my air conditioner (which was only running sparingly anyway), and opened up a few windows. it was lovely. i feel asleep with a nice cool breeze of fresh air coming in.
i have been having a week of really enjoyable evenings. last night i cooked a real dinner for myself–i made stir fry! granted, it was with frozen vegetables, but i added chicken and flavored it and everything. ok, fine, it didn’t involve any cooking skill at all, but it made me happy.
i need to call reliant again. i called last night to make sure the deposit had been taken off my account and that they won’t shut off my electricity today, and the change “hadn’t gone through yet,” in the words of the customer service woman. {sigh} it better have gone through today or i will not be a happy camper. the good news is that last night the woman and i reached a compromise in which she gave me a few more days to get this straightened out before forwarding the disconnection notice to the disconnection department. or at least she said she would do that. god i hate reliant so, so much.
tonight we’re going to the astros game! it will likely be my last game of the season, unless we somehow end up going tomorrow night as well, because the astros are not going to make it to the playoffs. i’m not very happy at the prospect of 5 months without baseball. it makes the winter so dull.