last night i finally made it over to the lap pool in my apartment complex. man, i am not as good a swimmer as i once was. i did 250 meters, took a breather, and then swam another 250 meters, both sets in a combination of freestyle and breaststroke, until my arms gave out and i headed home. yes, my arms. man, i could really tell that i’ve been doing a lot of pushups this week as part of the fitness program–i could feel my upper arm muscles burning. still, being in the water was oddly relaxing. when i buy a house someday (some far-in-the-future day), it will have to be near a pool.
in other news, i have finally truly attained victory over reliant energy. current amount due on my account: $0.00. now theoretically i can set about finding a new energy company; however, after fighting for 2 months over my electric bill (and hearing becca’s frustration over the fact that her energy company can’t seem to figure out how to actually send her a bill), i don’t really feel like dealing with electricity at all. so i’m going to give reliant another chance. i hope i don’t regret this.
i am all sorts of in love with the new dixie chicks cd. apparently, carter’s mom likes it too. he finds this weird, though i don’t know why. i love the dixie chicks.
i also made blueberry muffins last night (while watching survivor and taping friends to watch after will & grace, yay tv) and was subsequently called “so domesticated.” i just like to bake. actually, i really wanted to make cookies, but i don’t have a cookie sheet. i have freaking muffin tins, but no cookie sheet, how messed up is that?
random thought: there apparently are rumblings around nasa of looking beyond earth orbit for the first time in years. this is encouraging.
it’s funny that becca tries so hard to portray me as an anti-dog person instead of just admitting that actually i’m just anti-apache. not that i don’t think apache is cute and all, but she’s exhausting. i don’t care much about the house-breaking since i don’t live in either place she likes to poop, but it’s just an issue with which to point out that apache’s overall training hasn’t been all that effective so far. i don’t like being jumped on and licked. gavin’s dogs will jump and lick for about a minute in excitement over me being a new person at their house, but then settle down. apache never settles down. i don’t mean to be rude, but it’s annoying when a dog won’t leave you alone when you want it to.
poor karen. people are trying to throw away all her things.