i got home from work yesterday feeling completely dead, but a group dinner at mediterraneano’s and learning how to play 500 at chrissy’s livened me up. i have really enjoyed the past few days, sleepiness and all. i’m going to be sad when christina leaves today. fortunately, i can’t get too sad about carter leaving tomorrow because i’m going to atlanta for the weekend!
so the game of 500 was fun, if confusing. i kept forgetting that a jack was higher than an ace in the trump suit, and that the jack of the corresponding color is also higher. and that the joker is whatever suit is trump. agh! but carter and i won handily despite my ineptitude because he was able to bid nolo and not win any tricks one hand. when he layed down a 10 and said “ha, that’s my highest card,” chrissy looked at him, said “seriously?” and when carter responded in the affirmative, she just threw down her remaining hand of 6 or 7 face cards. funny.
today i’m working a half day, and then carter and i are driving up to dallas/arlington to meet jason and his friend monica for a rangers game. apparently monica (who i have never met) has gotten us tickets behind the rangers dugout, so i’m pretty excited. granted, i don’t know exactly what “behind the rangers dugout” means, but people don’t usually describe seats as “behind the dugout” unless they really are no more than 20 or so rows behind the dugout. we’ll see. in any case, i want to see what a $250 million man (alex rodriguez) looks like in person. i figure he must have gold teeth or something.