i am looking for someone that wants the job of making sure my alarm clock is turned on each night, so that i don’t wake up at 9:27 and go “crap, i’m supposed to be at work!” like i did this morning. it would help if that someone was a sexy guy.
so i came to work hoping hoping hoping that i could pull up espn.com and see the headline “baseball strike averted” but so far i’ve had no such luck. carter called last night after he heard on the news that negotiations had stopped for the night, and he was sad. i, on the other hand, am angry. baseball owes it to their fans–their customers–to come up with a deal in the next few hours. baseball owes it to me, because i am a loyal fan, and i am their customer. i don’t go on strike because i think nasa doesn’t pay me enough. i don’t go on strike when sales tax rises, or i have to pay more in taxes than i thought i would. i know it’s not a directly comparable situation, but if i work hard every day to please my customers, why don’t they? why are they allowed to just quit when they feel like it? and why are owners allowed to go screwing with way things are run?
i don’t think one side is to blame any more than the other. the players and the owners and the commissioner are equally responsible for all this confusion, and for what looks to be an inevitable strike. i didn’t think i’d be able to stay away from baseball for a year, but today i am suddenly angry. i am thinking of adopting carter’s stance–no baseball for a year after they come back. if they strike, i’ll wait until they come back to play, and then i’ll wait another whole year before i set foot in a major league park again.
because while they’re screwing themselves over, they’re also screwing me. they’re taking me–a serious baseball fan–and turning me against them. they’ve talked for so much the past two weeks about how close they were getting to a deal. and i believed them, all this month i’ve held out hope that a strike would be averted. and now they’re trampling on me! suck it, baseball.
{sigh} grrrr. anyway, here are some random pictures of lance bass in training here this week.
last night we had a surprise going-away party for nick and it worked beautifully. he didn’t suspect a thing, in fact, he had been planning his own party for last night, not knowing we had been planning for 2 weeks to throw him the surprise party. i got him out to the pool and everyone was hiding around the corner. when they heard him coming they all jumped out and blew noisemakers. the look on nick’s face was priceless! everyone was there, even people who had come up with a bogus excuse for why they couldn’t come to nick’s party. it took a minute for nick to figure out that curt and lisa didn’t really have a late sim at work, and that he wasn’t going to be hosting his own party, but once he did, he couldn’t stop smiling for at least half an hour. we swam in the pool, ordered pizza, and eventually moved to my apartment when the mosquitos started to get bad.
it was great. it has been a fantastic week with so many visitors and activities, and it doesn’t end yet! tomorrow i’m headed to atlanta for three days, and labor day in macon for the third year in a row.
(10:52 a.m.)
from the new york times: “Mr. Bass, 23, would be the youngest and presumably most squeal-inducing person to travel into space, as a guest of Russia on a Soyuz flight to the International Space Station in October.”
(11:04 a.m.)
no baseball strike! i am sooooo relieved. still pissed that they dragged me with them to the last minute, but happy that the players and owners at least realize that striking again would do irreparable damage to the game itself. yay.