wow, i can’t believe i’m back at work already. it feels like i spent the entire weekend at the ballpark. oh wait, i did spend the entire weekend at the ballpark!
it was a nice way to spend a weekend, watching the braves win two of three, just as i’d hoped. the best of the three games by far was the first game on friday night–the thirteen inning marathon i described earlier. yesterday’s game was fun for me because i got to see the braves hit just about every ball that came their way (chipper jones went 5-for-5, how cool is that?)…but i have to admit, any game that ends with a score of 13-3 isn’t as much a game as it is a rout. oh well. at least it was my team doing the routing.
yesterday i went to the game with a bunch of people from work. it was a lot of fun to see people out of the office environment. my boss brought his son, who is about to begin his freshman year at texas a&m, my boss from two summers ago brought his 2nd grader, and rich brought his pseudo-girlfriend. at some point today, becca and i are going to hound him for details about her. mwa ha ha. anyway, after the game we all went out for pizza. it was a good time.
oh. becca got her half dome pictures developed finally, so i put up a couple of them here. a picture of me coming down the cables, her in front of nevada falls, and two of the rock itself.
the exercise room was crowded this morning when i made my way over there for my third try at this whole morning workout thing. i had to use the sucky treadmill because the good one was taken. you wouldn’t think one treadmill would be that different from another, but i’ve found that they are. or maybe i’m just picky. anyway. so i ran for 20 minutes, and headed home to shower and come to work.
i need to figure out a way to run that i enjoy. 1) i’m not a fan of running in the morning because i never have enough energy to go for long; ideally i’d run for at least half an hour, but so far, my morning runs have stopped at either 20 minutes or 2 miles. 2) i don’t really like treadmill running all that much either, compared to a road or trail or sidewalk.
however, i’m semi-forced into doing both of those things. 1) if i don’t run in the morning, that often means i won’t run at all, since i usually have plans in the evening. 2) it’s too damn hot to run outside unless i go running before 6 a.m. (yeah right) or after 10:00 p.m. (at which point i would be slightly worried for my safety).
so i haven’t figured out a solution yet. once fall arrives and the days cool down a bit, i’ll be able to run outside. but even then, i don’t live in an area that is especially suited for running. i’ll be dodging traffic and running along curbs, unless i drive somewhere else. oh well. i will figure something out. in the meantime, i will just continue to miss the running heaven that is the stanford campus.
so there’s my running rant, just in case you’d missed me writing about boring exercise topics lately.
i want to go swimming tonight. on saturday night after i got home from taking leila and brian back to their hotel, i decided to take a 1 a.m. walk around my apartment complex. the place is actually bigger than i thought, and i finally got a good look at the lap pool that’s down at the other end of the complex from me. it’s nice, and is actually a reasonable size for swimming laps–25 yards/meters. not sure which, i was just eyeballing. but the point is, you could actually be effective swimming laps there. i’ll have to try it out. tonight i just want to sit in the pool though. maybe i’ll see if nick wants to come over and hang out in the fancy pool.