a lot of randomness today.
1)the english patient. i’m not reading it, but i just found the quote somewhere and it sort of fits me. “she had always wanted words, she loved them, grew up on them. words gave her clarity, brought reason, shape. whereas i thought words bent emotions like sticks in water.”
2) the oakland a’s. i consider them to be my favorite american league team because i lived in the area, they have great fans, and i like their indomitable spirit. from espn.com: “the a’s like to think of themselves as ‘the chihuahua that won’t let go of your ankle.'” quote from gm billy beane. cracked me up, and made me love the a’s even more.
3) lance bass. all these articles about the will-he-or-won’t-he go into space saga is starting to get old. make a decision and shell out the big bucks already, lance. sheesh. that said, i hope he goes. sure, i’ll be jealous that a 23-year-old pop star gets to go into space before i do, but i think lance bass could bring more positive publicity to the space program it’s seen in years.
4) west nile virus. it’s spreading from nighttime (culex) mosquitos to daytime (asian tiger) mosquitos. “unlike the culex mosquito, which is a dull brown, the aedes albopictus is dark, nearly black, with white marks on its legs. a single white stripe down its back can be seen with the naked eye, but parsons recommends that the curious slap first, and look later.” knowing that i taste good to mosquitos, i figure i’m as good as dead.
5) holiday in spain. i’m thinking of taking one. or more likely, it’s my current obsessive song courtesy of the counting crows.
anyway. last night i was a bum. really. i think step class sucked all the energy out of me, because i just went home and sat there for two hours surfing the internet and watching baseball. i didn’t get up until nick came over about 8:30, at which point i made chicken stir fry that amazingly didn’t taste that bad, which we then ate as we watched more baseball and talked about typical nick/sarah topics. we are an old married couple, and we’re not even dating. it’s very sad.
i had a glass of wine with dinner, and it made me sleepy. after nick left, i alternated talking to carter online and cleaning. i hung a picture and unpacked a box of books. wow. carter’s right, i clean much better when i’m under pressure. hopefully this means that as the days remaining until carter and christina’s visit dwindle, i will revert into all-out cleaning mode.
(1:28 p.m.)
i am in love with my old navy essential pants. i have them in black and gray, and feel the overwhelming need to go back and buy them in whatever other colors they may sell. this could be because they fit me really well, or it could be simply because old navy says that they are “essential.” either way, they stand to make more money off me.