if this is successful and a hooters airline is created, i think i might just quit my job and bang my head against a wall all day.
so yesterday i finally gave blood, for only the second time in my life. see, the first time, four years ago, was a horrible experience. it took forever, i almost passed out, my vein slowed to the point where they had to stick a needle in my other arm just to get enough blood for my donation to be useable, and i had to sit there for an hour before i could stand up without getting light-headed. so even though i know giving blood is a good thing and an easy way to help out someone in need, i’ve been more than a bit apprehensive about doing it again. i tried once last summer, but was so nervous that my pulse was too high for me to give.
anyway, yesterday i went to try again, and i learned something quite important about my body. it does not like losing a pint of blood. i suppose this is not surprising, but how, then, do so many people give blood and then just hop up and walk out the door? anyway. i kept my pulse down enough to give, but the whole light-headed, almost fainting thing refused to disappear. almost immediately, i had to ask the nurse to put my feet up. my vein again slowed down at the end, but i managed to fill the bag out of only one arm, which good because she said they weren’t allowed to do both arms (which makes me wonder about the jokers in georgia who stuck both my arms). and then i had to stay there for a good half hour after i was done, slowly going from legs up and lying down, to legs down and lying down, to sitting on the edge of the cot, and finally to standing up before i could get up and not get a wicked head rush.
i suppose next time i’ll just go in and tell them up front “look, you’re going to have to put my feet up, and i’m going to have to sit here for a half hour once i’m done.” then i won’t have to feel too light-headed, and they won’t have to worry about me.
so that’s my blood story for this month. la la la.
i got some more cleaning done in my apartment last night…unpacked 5 boxes of books. i didn’t realize just how many books i had stored at home! i mean, i don’t have books in becca-like proportions (i.e. overflowing amounts), but i do have enough that i am having to put a double row on a couple of shelves. i have two full shelves of space-related books from high school and college, when i bought every book i saw that had anything to do with space. i have a lot more than i realized, and some that look really interesting but i’ve never read. so i think i have enough reading material to last me for at least a year.
tonight i’ve been talked into playing trivia with some guys from work that i don’t really know. nick told mark i’d be good at trivia. ha, no pressure now.
(12:50 p.m.)
it sucks having to get up in the morning when it’s gray and raining outside. it sucks even more when you’re coming back from lunch and it’s still raining and you notice that the roads are starting to flood and the national weather service has issued multiple flood warnings. yeah.