my mornings at work follow a fairly set pattern. i arrive sometime between 8:30 and 9:00, and immediately turn on my computer. it boots up while i put my purse away and open my notebook to see what i have on my list of things to do for the day. i say hello to becca. i log on, open my email, and read any messages sent after i left work yesterday or before i got here today. if any replies are necessary, i write them.
i am not a morning person, and it takes me some time to get going. after email, i read the news on five different sites. cnn gives me national news, the houston chronicle gives me local news (though i’m not a big fan of their website), and sfgate gives me a lot of interesting stories from the san francisco/stanford area. out of those three, sfgate (run by the san francisco chronicle) is my favorite. they always have neat stories, written in a slightly tongue-in-cheek or sarcastic style that i enjoy.
(side note: i miss living on the san francisco peninsula!)
i also check espn just in case i missed any baseball news the night before, and space daily because, well, my daily work involves space. finally, i update my fantasy baseball lineup and read becca, james, jen, karen, and leila’s journals. sometime in catching up on the news, i go get coffee from george and rich’s office, and say hello to them.
this whole news-reading, coffee-drinking part of my morning lasts for about an hour, and then i work for a couple hours before it’s time for lunch. we eat, we come back and work until around 2:00, at which point my whole group migrates en masse to the coke machine two floors down. this is a “group meeting” that we affectionately call the “coke break,” and it is usually instigated by one of us walking from room to room jingling 60 cents in our hand.
yes, my life at work is quite predictable. the exception is friday, when we all go wild and wear jeans to work. ooooh. if anyone was curious.
last night i got to see james for a half hour; i picked him up from the airport and drove him to chrissy’s apartment, since she was up in the woodlands for some kind of training for her job at exxon. we were hoping to get some ice cream on the way home, but we got to the place 10 minutes after they closed, and even though the door was still open, they had already put the ice cream away. boo. it’s this new place called goodie’s, i believe. i haven’t been there yet, but james said he and chrissy have both enjoyed the smoothies there. i’ll have to check it out sometime. it already has one big thing going for it, in my opinion–the fact that they are open until 11:00 on weekdays, and midnight on weekends. as a general rule, i like anyplace that stays open late. some coffeehouses, denny’s, the good ol’ waffle house…
(side note addendum: i miss california but i am already completed adjusted to being back in hosuton. driving to the airport felt extremely normal.)
tonight a bunch of us are going to dave and buster’s. this should be fun, as i’ve always wanted to check out this place but never been around when everyone else goes.