this morning on the way to work, npr had this great story about ernie harwell, the retiring radio announcer for the detroit tigers.
the trip to dallas/arlington for the baseball game was awesome. the park was beautiful, the weather was great, and the seats….oh, the seats! see, carter and i went to the game with my friend jason, whose friend monica lives in dallas. as luck would have it, monica’s dad works for a company that has season tickets located in section 34, row 4–the first row behind the camera well at the end of the rangers dugout!!!! i have never had seats that good at a baseball game, and i doubt i ever will again. they were just incredible. we were sitting no more than 10 feet away from edge of the field!! we even got on the matrix board, not once but twice! i’ve always wanted to be on the matrix board, but never have, and in one night–twice! it was sooooooooo cool. here are some of the best pictures that i took:

a-rod stands at 1st base next to jeff conine after drawing a walk
a-rod gets ready to run in the case that palmiero (at-bat) gets a hit
a-rod hits a home run later in the game and goes into the trot from 1st to 2nd
a-rod at the plate
ivan rodriguez steps in to bat
it was a fantastic night.
anyway. carter left yesterday and arrived home safely; he did indeed make the earlier flight on standby. we got to the airport early enough that i stayed with him for an hour playing cards while he waited. we tested a two-person version of hearts that gave us some laughs–we dealt four hands, but only played with two, so you could never be sure what the other person had, or if the queen of spades was out there at all…and i think it was actually easier to shoot the moon than not. and yet the number of points in each hand could change since there were two hands just lying on the table, so one time i shot and carter got 19 points but one time i shot and he only got 5. it was odd, but entertaining.
last night i rode with nick up to intercontinental to pick up susan, who was able to get an extended layover in houston on her way to a wedding in dallas. we went out to dinner at joe’s crab shack in kemah. it is great to see susan, it was like we haven’t been apart for two months. i want to go back to stanford!!
(10:44 a.m.)
leila has a funny entry about the john mayer concert and our trip to austin last weekend.