ah, the lazy days of summer. this is the first time in a while that i’ve been able to truly enjoy them, without school or work to think of. they’re nice.
woke up at a reasonable hour this morning, read the paper, took a shower. helped mom shuttle cars back and forth, as apparently every car in our family suddenly needs work. dad’s suburu broke down last week, mom’s van needed repair to the door hinge, and katie’s corolla needed brake work. brian’s accord, david’s brand new civic, and my sentra are all just fine though, so ok, i exaggerated a bit when i said all of the graybeal cars needed work. it was really only half of them. but still. and yes, we really do have six cars in our family. six adults = six cars. i know, it’s disgusting. it’s our way of pretending we’re rich.
after that i headed over to the rec wing to meet katie for a work out. last night mom and katie and i went to the mall and i tried on at least a dozen pairs of khaki shorts before i found a pair that i liked well enough. some just plain didn’t fit, some were just weird, some were too short, some were too long. (mom said i’d get used to the extra inch; i argued that an extra inch is the difference between looking like a 50-year-old and looking like a 24-year-old. katie agreed with me. score one for the younger generation.)
after an hour of looking and only one suitable pair of shorts, i have come to the conclusion (for the umpteenth time) that i am a fatty. so i worked out hard today. rode the bike, ran at a flat 10:00 per mile pace, and let katie almost kill me with situps. i am exhausted, but if i keep it up, i won’t be a fatty anymore. and that will make me happy.
besides, i need to get back in shape for the lunar rendezvous run that i’m doing a week from saturday. i haven’t done a race since bay to breakers, and i need to get back on track. also, i’ve used all my travelling as an excuse to not run for the past month and a half. no more! no more fatty!
anyway. that is my mid-year resolution. no more fatty. tonight dad is taking me to picasso’s for dinner so that i can watch the baseball all-star game. i could have watched it at home, but noooo, dad has some sort of personal vendetta against time warner, and cancelled the cable tv. now we not only don’t get cable, but can’t even pick up the local channels because we have no antenna. what a wacko. oh well, i get a free dinner out of it.
oh! i almost forgot. counting crows came out with their new album today, hooray! i bought it this afternoon.