last night when i set out for my first run in two weeks (not running has been making me quite antsy, and my ankle finally feels healed), i looked up in the sky and saw scorpio. it is my favorite summer constellation. summer constellation.
i saw it shining up there and thought “that’s odd to see scorpio this early in the evening, i thought it was a summer constellation.” i took two more steps. then realized that it’s june, hence that means it is the summer. (and you wonder why cayce calls me the “dumbest smart person” that she knows.) of course scorpio is in the sky, i mean, stars don’t generally appear in places that they’re not supposed to.
it just made me realize how quickly this year has passed. the last time i noticed scorpio, i was standing with ron and phil on the patio of our apartment in houston. we were just hanging out, drinking beers. i can’t believe my time in california is coming to a close; it seems like only yesterday that my dad and i drove up palm drive for the first time.
recently, the thought of moving to houston has started to unnerve me. for the first time, i’ll be going there indefinitely. for an unknown period of time. no fall semester on the way, no university waiting for my return. i find that a little bit scary. i know things will be ok. being scared and stressed is just the way i react to impending change, and i’ve accepted that…almost.
(10:13 p.m.)
it has been brought to my attention that not only is tibor my favorite almost communist, but he is also damn sexy. in fact, he may just be the sexiest guy in all of breakers. ooh ahh.