so last night about 20 or 30 swedes showed up for dinner at breakers, in addition to the usual four of petter, david, markus and henrich. turns out they were on a field trip. yes, a field trip. they got to come all the way from sweden to california for a field trip; how come i never got to go to another country on a field trip?? oh well.
anyway, it turns out that yesterday was also sweden national day. sort of like independence day, but as markus pointed out, you can’t celebrate an independence day when you’ve never had to fight for your independence. hmm. so they just celebrate national day, which is on the day that king really-long-swedish-name first moved into sweden like 500 years ago or something.
in any case, we peer pressured the swedes into singing the swedish national anthem, so they all stood up and looked at the new swedish flag that has been added to the wall at breakers, and they sang the first verse. it was quite fun.
i love swedes. they are so cool. and funny.
after dinner i harassed tibor for a while and got a much better picture of him than the last one i posted. yay.
i’m up early this morning to meet nick and go to the bookstore to get caps and gowns for graduation. oh, the excitement.
(3:08 p.m.)
just finished my ee106 (planetary exploration) final. it was long, but not too hard. the professor made me feel nice and guilty at the end though. as i was unlocking my bike, he was returning to the classroom with cookies, and he stopped to give me one. why does this make me feel guilty? because 1) i went to class only like five times, and hadn’t been to class at all since the midterm, which was on may 1, and 2) because he knew my name. i went to class only a handful of times, and never asked any questions. i had no interaction directly with the professor, and yet he knew my name. how must more on-top-of-things can you get?? i appreciate professors who pay attention; they are so few and far between. now i feel sort of bad for not attending his class!
awesome! sooo many sporting events this weekend: french open, triple crown, world cup, nba finals, stanley cup finals, and of course my personal favorite sport is offering a weekend of interleague play (barry at the house that ruth built = cool). too bad i have to study, study, study.