maybe it’s not the most appropriate thing to be making fun of, but this article from the onion really cracked me up.
(2:52 a.m.)
another late night, but a good one. i just got back from breakers, where i was making cheesecake for tomorrow night’s dessert. i had to do it tonight, because tomorrow i have to study. yes, i could have studied tonight too, but i wanted to make cheesecake. yes, i know this makes no sense. i really can’t cook well at all, but i keep trying. my cooking methods amuse alberto greatly (he’s the manager of breakers), but i think he’s impressed with my dedication. tomorrow is my last day of cooking with nick and tibor. how sad. tuesday afternoons this quarter have been my favorites.
then earlier tonight i went out with tico and kate, to blue chalk, where we played shuffleboard and birkball and talked. we didn’t stay long, as i had to come home to finish some homework (and then bake of course), but tico wanted to buy me a beer before i graduate. he’s such a nice guy; i wish i had spent more time with him this year. it was really nice of him to want to get together one more time before the end of the year.
there’s a skunk that lives under the wooden benches around the tree in front of breakers. i saw him twice tonight, scurrying into his little lair. i rode my bike away quickly both times. eek.
i’m sleepy.