“Could the United States have gotten off to a better start in the World Cup? The only way their opening 3-2 win over Portugal would have been sweeter is if Landon Donovan had captured Osama Bin Laden during one of his runs.”
so the u.s. soccer team pulled off an upset this morning. that’s cool. now i can tease tunji and robin about soccer, i mean football, since nigeria and france both lost their first game.
it’s been sort of interesting to see the buildup to the world cup this year, because for the first time, i have many international friends who have been pumping themselves up for weeks in preparation, while i sit around going “huh? world cup?”
i wonder how the u.s. missed the world cup bandwagon. why don’t we ever pay attention to soccer, when in every other country in the world, soccer has a massive, public, government-encouraged cult following? i don’t think there’s any sport in this country that gets people as worked up en masse as soccer does elsewhere in the world. i mean, americans will get excited about football or basketball or baseball or even hockey, but not to the extent that they camp out at the stadium days in advance, and start chanting hours before the game even begins.
i think the whole world cup thing is kinda cool.
and then of course in other sporting news there is last night’s carolina hurricanes victory over the red wings in the first game of the stanley cup finals. i’m still amazed. my sleepy little state–the same one that just said sayonara to the basketball team that brought professional sports to north carolina in the first place–has a hockey team? a good hockey team? a hockey team that’s vying for the stanley cup?
pretty cool. for the next few weeks, i’m going to add hockey and soccer to my list of interests.
(3:47 p.m.)
today, because it is 88 degrees and because it is very sunny and because i just feel like it, i am wearing a skirt. it’s purple with small flowers on it. according to molly and bill, by wearing a skirt on a day when i don’t have a presentation to give or a dinner to attend, i am betraying my engineering roots. to that i say HA!
(12:57 a.m.)
it is at least 10 degrees warmer in my room than it is outside. outside it is cool and lovely. in my room, it is stuffy and hot. i’m never going to get to sleep. i have been spoiled by air conditioning.