wow, i forgot to update yesterday… and i had stuff to write about too!
i went to old navy yesterday between class and yoga, in search of another pair of low-rise, boot-cut, dark blue jeans exactly like the pair–my favorite pair of jeans–that i bought there a year ago. well, i guess i should have known better than to hope old navy would carry the same type of jeans two years in a row. oh, they had tons of low-rise boot-cut jeans, some even dyed dark blue…but they were all in that style that seems to be popular these days where the fronts and backs of the thighs, and the butt, are stonewashed or something. i mean, there are two obvious stripes on the front and back of the thighs where the color is “faded” and washed out. am i the only person who thinks this fashion looks absolutely horrible? ugh. so no luck finding the jeans i wanted.
you know, i used to really like old navy, and i could always find something there that i really liked. lately, i never find anything good there. i think they have changed. they used to be like the gap, but cheaper. i like the gap, because even though they follow trends, they also have a way of sticking with classic styles that always look good. old navy, on the other hand, has begun to cater to teenyboppers, and teenyboppers alone. it’s disappointing, but i think i’m going to have to say goodbye to old navy.
anyway. last night at breakers we cooked the meal i planned, and it turned out ok which made me happy. we tried this recipe for “sweet orange chicken” and though it looked very strange, in the end it just turned out to taste sort of like sweet and sour chicken. but of course we had cupcakes with cream cheese icing for dessert, so that made it all better.
today has been really busy so far. i had a midterm in my planetary exploration class and it was really easy. yay! this afternoon i ran all sorts of errands and…dum dum dum…i made my last “extraneous” purchase of the year. this means i am not allowed to buy any more expensive toys for myself until i have moved to houston, begun to save serious money, and can furnish my entire apartment. expensive toys will now be replaced by even-more-expensive furniture. yes, furnishing my apartment now becomes my priority.)
so what is my toy? a digital camera! yay! it’s a canon powershot s30, if you’re interested. i’m pumped.
anyway, i haven’t had too much time to play around with it yet, but i’ll post some pictures when i get a chance. at the moment, it’s time to head over to steve’s for a big group dinner with steve, his fiance fiona (who is visiting), mike, aaron, bree, chris, john, etc. should be fun.