semi-bad news. this morning i went to the health center to have my ankle looked at. it’s been bothering me for more than a week now, especially since running bay to breakers on sunday. i went ahead and did the race because i figured the pain was just because i hadn’t been stretching enough, but sunday night my ankle hurt a lot and was visibly swollen. so today i went to the health center.
the diagnosis? a mild/moderate sprain. i can walk and everything, it’s just a bit uncomfortable. for the next week, i’ve been told to do the whole “rice” thing–rest, ice, compression, elevate. and take a bunch of anti-inflammatories (i.e. advil). but most frustrating is that i’m not supposed to go running for a week. 🙁
here’s hoping it feels better by sunday, when becca and i are hoping to do the 17-mile half dome hike in yosemite. i think it will be if i treat it well for these next 5 days.
two years ago it was my knee (though dislocating my knee was much more painful and took much longer to recover from), and now it’s my anke. i’m starting to hate all of my joints. 😉 geez. i’m 24, not 84.
(1:43 p.m.)
great news! nick was accepted by a musical theater school in victoria, canada! he is still hoping to get into a ballet school in france (their applications aren’t due till june), but it’s awesome that at the very least, he now has a fallback plan. yay!