so i just got back from photography, which i was really looking forward to taking this spring. what i didn’t realize was that half of campus apparently wants to take it as well. yikes. so there were probably 100 people who showed up, and only 20 available spots in the class. we all filled out a form with our name, major, etc and our reason for wanting to take the class, and the professor is supposed to post a list tonight with the names of the people who make it in. i’m crossing my fingers. i will be really disappointed if i don’t get to take it. once i’m out of school, where will i ever find photography classes?? i hope i hope i hope i get in.
other than that, the day has been uneventful. i had one class this morning–aa271, aircraft and spacecraft dynamics. the first half will be a repeat of dr. tsiotras’s class from georgia tech, but the rest will be new material, so that sounds like a pretty good mix. tomorrow i start aa279, orbital mechanics and this random history class i’m taking as free elective. it’s called “art, science, technology and the world of leonardo.” it’s about leonardo di vinci in particular, and also more broadly about renaissance art and architecture. it sounds interesting. i hope there is not too much reading, but i figure it will be interesting reading, at the least.
more importantly though…carter comes tomorrow to visit! i’m pumped. i love visitors.