i had another great run tonight…slow, but long. 4.6 miles to be exact. go me! all day i’d been saying to myself: “i’m going running tonight…” and then during flute choir, i started thinking about where i wanted to run. i thought about just doing my 5k route, but then as i drove home i began to wonder how far it would be to run to mayfield, past roble, all the way to lyman, and then back via junipero serra and campus drive…so i watched my mileage, estimated 4.6 miles, and bam–i came home, changed clothes, and ran the route. about a mile and a half or two miles into the run, i hit a groove, and just felt great. it lasted for the rest of my way home, and has put me in a really good mood at the moment.
becca and i are discussing training plans to get us ready for either the disney world marathon (in january) or the motorola marathon in austin (in february). jen is thinking about trying to do the big sur marathon next april. wow, if i knew someone running the big sur race, i would be quite tempted to come back out here for it. jen would do it faster than me, of course, but still…
anyway. i must sound as if i am becoming a crazed runner. heh. i don’t know about that, but i am starting to enjoy running more than i used to…i can see how some people call it “addictive.”
i didn’t do much in the way of “real” work today. went to class, had a yummy lunch at breakers (alberto got bagels, the good kind of turkey, and the good kind of yogurt, woohoo). went to my easy planetary exploration class for the first time in, um, a while, to hear about our midterm coming up on wednesday. it shouldn’t be hard. after that class i goofed off, surfed the web, etc etc etc. dinner, flute, and running. and bedtime. pretty standard monday.
i need to do laundry.