yes. life is strange. i am wondering what will happen to me this spring. and after. today i have felt oddly like i am waiting for something. a nagging feeling. i don’t know what. anyway. i have done a good job of dismissing the feeling, because while carter is here, i want to forget about school and the ever-ambiguous future. i just want to have lots of mindless fun.
today we made sammiches at breakers and then headed up into the city. it turns out that my instincts on tickets for things like giants games and alcatraz tours were quite wrong, so our day quickly deviated from the schedule. we bought alcatraz tickets for sunday instead, and will be heading up to pac bell park bright and early on saturday to hopefully get a couple bleacher seats. after we took care of tickets, we wandered around fisherman’s wharf for a while watching sea lions knock each other off piers into the water, and watching this entertainment guy hit an innocent volunteer in the head repeatedly with a paddleball. he was supposed to be hitting a cigar out of the guy’s mouth. instead, he just hit him in the head a lot and finally the guy got annoyed and threw the cigar down on the ground and walked off stage. i don’t blame him.
tonight we watched nick’s musical rehearsal for a while. it was interesting because i liked watching nick perform, but the rehearsal moved so slowly it was almost painful. with opening night coming up in a week, i guess i expected things to be pretty much finished, only in need of polishing. and maybe they are and i just couldn’t tell. i’m definitely not an expert in musical theater. anyway. i’m looking forward to going to opening night.
i didn’t get into the other section of photo 1 either. i’m pretty disappointed about that. i’m going to talk to each of the teacher’s though, and hopefully i can at least get access to the darkroom, even if i won’t have anyone to help me actually learn how to take better pictures. i jokingly told carter, “well, there goes my big shot at being a world-famous photographer.” or i said something along those lines. he sort of laughed. heh. i wish i had gotten in. oh well. some other time. i’ll just pay money to take a photo class somewhere else someday. yup. things cost money.