love nintendo? check this out. awesome.
i think i’ve made a decision on what to do with my summer. that’s a good thing, and making tentative plans makes me less stressed. i don’t know why i’m stressed anyway. i shouldn’t be. i am having quite a lovely spring so far, with many visitors and gorgeous weather.
i think my roommate kate has ears that are alternatively super-sensitive and deaf. she listens to the tv super loud (i’m talking rock concert in the living room loud), yet asks me to close my door when i’m talking on the phone at midnight because it’s keeping her awake. it’s really quite odd.
i’m looking forward to yoga tomorrow. i went running tonight and my legs were really tight, so it will be good to stretch them in class.
other than that, let’s see… i’m in love with my new mp3 player; it is nice and tiny and great for running. my fantasy team had a good day and jumped back to within 1.5 points of first place.
the bursar’s office is still giving me crap, but hopefully everything will be fixed tomorrow. the problem? my registration was on hold because my health insurance wasn’t paid…my health insurance money hasn’t been processed because my registration is on hold…my registration was on hold because my health insurance wasn’t paid…my health insurance money hasn’t been processed because my registration is on hold… yeah, you’d think these people could actually communicate with each other and fix problems like this, but apparently not. the bursar’s office and financial aid operate on two different computer systems. {sigh} yeah, that was genius. ugh. i have to say, stanford has a better reputation than georgia tech, but at least at tech i never had logistical problems like this. in that sense, i really miss being at an engineering school.