today was pretty good. it wasn’t boring, but it wasn’t filled to the brim either. perhaps i can adjust to a more relaxed pace this quarter, eh?
i got up, went to class, chatted with tyson for a while. made fun of canadians. worked on homework. had lunch with valerie. played that addictive text twist game. talked baseball with john. went to yoga (more about that in a minute). cooked dinner at breakers with annica, david, and tibor, had a great time doing it, loved annica’s yummy dessert, and decided that choosing to cook this quarter instead of clean was an excellent move. came home, went running, watched tv, showered, and now here i sit.
so yeah, i am taking yoga this quarter. of all random things. i went last tuesday with bree just to check it out, and because i had nothing better to do at the time. i skipped last thursday because carter was here, but i went again today, and i think i’m gonna stay in the class. funny, yoga always looked so easy. um….it turns out there are muscles i didn’t know i had! i didn’t know that i could work up a sweat just trying to hold myself in seemingly harmless positions. anyway, it should be interesting. if nothing else, i will end this quarter with a lot more flexibility than i have now, and that’s cool.
carter didn’t let me know when he got back to atlanta. poophead. oh, i know he got back safely because i’m pretty sure i would have heard something by now if he hadn’t. sometimes it is hard to suppress the mom in me. heh. scary.
tomorrow i’m going to do all the annoying errand-y things that i’ve been putting off, because they really can’t be put off any longer. taxes. doctor appointment. financial aid. yup.