mmm. my bed is beckoning, telling me to come rest my tired feet and throbbing knees and aching back. yes, it’s official, i am the mind of a 24-year-old college student trapped in the body of a 70-year-old woman. i need one of those med alert things. “i’ve fallen and i can’t get up!”
have you ever noticed that it’s a lot easier to write negative, complaint-ridden entries that to write happy, smiley ones? seriously though, it has been a long day. i had class, went to the library to finish my homework for tomorrow, ate lunch. came home, went to target, ran late, rode furiously to yoga, worked up a good sweat there. rode my bike to wolf to drop off my roll of film, rode home, chilled for half an hour, then headed to dinner. from dinner, it was off to roble for three hours of dancing (that explains the tired feet).
the dancing was fun though. after dozens of tries, i have finally learned charleston, and can do it in all sorts of variations without stomping all over my partner’s toes and kicking him in the shins. this is a very good thing, as most guys are wary about dancing with you again after you’ve maimed them the week before. there is this one small asian guy that i really like to dance with though, because he always makes me feel good. tonight he told me he was thoroughly confused by what we were learning and i said “oh you’ll get it.” and then we danced together, and he did get it, and he turned back to me and said “i think you’re just a really good follow, it always works with you. i should dance with you every time.” yay! that put a big smile on my face for the rest of class.