whew. i had every good intention of going running tonight, but after three hours of dance classes, i am completely pooped. and i’ve decided three hours of dancing is enough exercise for today. since i couldn’t take a regular dance class this quarter because none of them fit into my schedule, i am taking three different classes for the next few thursday–cross-step waltz at 7, cha-cha and salsa at 8, and swing at 9.
i’m feeling quite good about it though. i missed last week’s classes, but was able to keep up very well. in fact, when richard powers (the teacher) asked in the latin and swing classes for people who missed last week to raise their hands, he saw mine and said specifically to me, “oh, you’ll be fine.” this makes me happy because 1) he remembers me from social dance last quarter, 2) he remembers my dancing skill level, and 3) he thinks i am a good enough dancer to catch up very quickly. which i did. i really liked the classes tonight far better than social dance last quarter, mainly because the pace tonight was so much faster. it made things a lot less repetitive, and a lot more fun. i can’t wait for jammix next week!
one of the songs richard played during the cross-step waltz class was “amy hit the atmosphere” by the counting crows. i was quite tickled to see that i can waltz to the counting crows. (yes, i just used the word “tickled.”)
yoga was good today; i was able to keep up better than tuesday. i am looking forward to being more flexible.
i am trying to decide whether i want to go to atlanta for the first weekend in may to see everyone as they graduate. i really want to go, but i don’t want to be in the way, and i know graduation is a busy and stressful time. but i really want to go.
yay! nick just called and is on his way over. i haven’t seen him in days because of all his rehearsals.