left my room at 9:00 a.m., returned just now. so basically, i can sum up the day as being: long, tiring, interesting, sad, and happy. heh.
we finished learning the basic moves to cha cha this morning in dance class. i have found that i really like cha cha, for some unknown reason…i’m looking forward to jammix on friday night, where i’ll get to practice my dancing and forget about this hellish week because almost everything will be done and turned in.
this afternoon we presented our term projects in my me215, a.k.a. “touchy feely” class. it was by far the best class we’d had all quarter. it is so inspiring to see what other people are capable of when they put their minds to it. one girl is about to set out on a bike ride from portland, oregon to portland, maine…just because she wants to do it. another guy finally starting taking flying lessons and will soon get his pilot’s license. nick found a paid gig as a dancer. one guy is establishing a long-ignored relationship with his stepmother. it was neat. i felt very out-of-place. my project was to start the long road towards writing a book. i did a lot more thinking than writing, and i discovered that what i like to write–and what i write best, i think–are personal stories or feelings. i don’t know if my musings have any hope of ever being profitable to a publishing company (which i guess they would have to be in order for someone to want to publish them), but maybe someday…
i had a piano lesson, and enjoyed dinner. i studied. i talked to carter, who i hadn’t talked to in weeks. that was very nice. i studied for the propulsion test tomorrow. i ate half of nick’s turkey, cheese, and dorito sandwich.
just a day, just an ordinary day…
tomorrow we pull the phatman all-nighter.