Well I tried to update last night, but apparently the Diaryland server was having issues. Anyway. The good news was that I survived my long day of Wednesday class. Yeah, my Wednesdays aren’t any fun. I’m in class from 9-12, and again from 1:15-5:30. At least I have time for lunch.
But the other good news is that PHATman worked beautifully during our demonstration in the lab! Go PHATman, go! And as promised, here are some pictures of the lovely little thing. Remember — the more tape and wire involved, the better!

Ah, here he is! Isn’t he gorgeous? I think the yogurt cups are an especially nice touch.

Aaron works diligently to hook up all our wires to power sources and oscilloscopes. Though we all played equal parts in construction, Aaron is the circuit guru. If he died, Mike and Steve and I would have no idea where to stick the wires. Hmm…
Steve, Mike and Aaron hold the one, the only…PHATman!
Random picture of Bree by the elevators after the feasibility demos.