I am home at 3:00 on a Tuesday afternoon. This is very odd. I feel like I should be banging my head over some homework in the aero/astro library, but since I finished my compressible flow earlier than expected (with much assistance), I have a few hours. Now, if I were smart I would use this extra time to study for my final on Thursday, or to start on the controls homework due Friday. Instead, I am writing in my online journal.
Becca sent me an email this morning. She had been looking over the job listings from the organization that set up her internship in Switzerland, and found the following:
The Moscow Aviation Institute, Job Description: design and working processes of combustion cha\mbers of rocket and jet engines, organization of burning process in subsonic and supersonic flows, flow in rocket engine nozzles, computer modeling of rocket engines, numerical methods.
Too bad I can’t type in Russian, or the subject of today’s entry would make more sense. I want to start practicing my Russian again. How cool would it be to live in Moscow for a while? I need to find out more information!
I just finished practicing piano. I try very hard to practice at least three days a week for an hour or so. I’m not sure if I’m getting better or not. Well, I mean, I’m playing the songs I’ve been assigned better, but most of that is just memorization, I think.
(4:58 p.m.)
Everyone keeps asking me why I’m rushing through grad school taking five classes per quarter and stressing myself out when I don’t have to worry about money. The DOD is paying my way for up to three years, so why not slow down and take it easy?
My answer? Um…I don’t know.
Sometimes I want to tell everyone to stop giving me advice so that I can make a life decision and know that whatever happens, it was my own choice. Other times, I want to hear opinions from everyone.
(10:08 p.m.)
Well we had our fall quarter flute ensemble concert tonight and it went very nicely. And I was SO excited that some of my friends came to hear us play; I felt very loved. Here are a couple pictures:

susan, emily, me, valerie, and nick after the concert.

Florence and I (i.e. the two people with the flutes) are both aero/astro people, so here we pose with all our aero/astro fans. It’s me, Nick, Goncalo, Aoi, Cecile, Allex, Andrew, Florence, and Valerie.