So in the midst of a websurfing break yesterday, I came across this: NaNoWriMo. Short for “National Novel Writing Month.” The idea is to get a bunch of people to write 2,000 words each day, and at the end of the month they will have produced a 50,000 word novel.
I found the concept very intriguing. They don’t care what you write about or how good (or alternatively, how crappy) the writing is…instead, the idea is just to write. Though I’ve thought a lot about writing some sort of book, and I’d love to be able to say one day that I had had something published and sold…but I’ve never had the desire to write a novel. I always think more along the lines of humor, or history, or fact-based books. You know, some sort of non-fiction about the space program or something.
I wonder if I could write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I wonder what would happen if I took an hour each day to sit down and just write whatever happened to be in my head. Hmm.
It would probably be mindless drivel. But maybe I’d get a few good sentences. Maybe I’ll try it.
Tech won tonight, which made my day a happy one. I wore my bee ears to dinner, even if it made everyone look at me a little strangely. I think they brought good luck. As for the game, it can pretty much be summarized by Leila’s song:
we won, we won
joe didn’t fumble
ohh yeah,
we won, we won
whoop whoop
we rule