I got a care package from Katie! It is awesome. She sent me Techniques, and a picture of Javy, and Georgia Tech socks, and a CD, and a space shuttle keychain and M&Ms. Ah. My sister rocks!
(1:08 a.m.)
Don’t go see “From Hell.” It sucks. I was hoping for something along the lines of Sleepy Hollow — which was at least somewhat entertaining. This one is just bad. I hate spending money on bad movies, even more so when it is in California, where the movies are more expensive to begin with.
We went to Borders though, and I bought a new book. Well, not a new book, but I’ve never read it anyway. Stephen King and Peter Straub’s “The Talisman.” Recommended some time ago by Kent, of course. I will start it as soon as I finish Lord of the Rings. Or maybe after I read “Lords of Discipline,” also recommended by friends. Lately I am wishing I had much more time to read. It’s such an enjoyable way to pass the time.
I am worrying Nick. Or exasperating him. One or the other, I don’t know. It has been a long and trying week, and he thinks the sole source of my discontent is the fact that he wants to date Valerie. Which upsets me not because Valerie isn’t great, or because Nick doesn’t deserve to date someone cool, but because it means…oh I don’t know. Something along the lines of “it changes our friendship.” And since he’s the best friend I have out here…
But that’s only one of many reasons it’s been a long and generally annoying week. The other reasons are some undetermined combination of the usual — stress, lack of sleep, worry, and self-doubt.
It’ll pass. Because I do like Stanford, and I am doing cool things. Tomorrow is a day of homework, and perhaps a trip to CompUSA if I have time to check out new monitors. Flicks tomorrow night with new friend Neal.
I really feel like going running. I should take advantage of this motivation; however, it is very late, and my knee has given a few random twinges today. Hmm. I will promise myself to go running tomorrow, and sleep tonight.