Agh, I hate this feeling, this overwhelmed with homework feeling. I went to the compressible flow problem session today though, and it was very helpful. Even if all the second year grad students were making fun of us. Jerks. Anyway. I’ll finish that homework tonight, and hopefully finish structures as well. That will leave controls (which I’m hoping will be easy, but I don’t know because I haven’t looked at it yet), and CFD (which I’m avoiding like the plague).
I went to talk to Dr. Springer today with a question about the structures homework, and left his office laughing. He is such a cool guy. He must be in his 60s, and he is from Hungaria and so he has a cool accent. But he’s also got a great sense of humor. He told us today that you can tell how good a mathematical law is by the person it’s named after. The older they are, the better the law. Ok, so maybe that’s not that funny, but I hope at least Karen and Becca will be amused by the engineering humor.
As if anyone really wants to read about what kind of homework I have to do. What could possibly be a more boring subject?? So here’s something funnier: Tim the Beaver has reappeared. For those of you who don’t know him by his lovely nickname, Tim was one of my TAs for fluids lab back at Tech. He is an entertaining guy who is now working at Pratt and Whitney in Connecticut. He emailed me over the summer, and again a couple weeks ago. Well today he emailed and asked if I am in Dr. Cantwell’s compressible flow class. Hmm. I think he’s taking the same class via video that I’m taking in person! That makes me laugh.
This morning I was more convinced than ever that I’m going to die in a horrible bike accident. I think all the people who didn’t have bikes last week went out over the weekend and bought them, because there were even more than I saw last week. It is crazy.
My first column in the Stanford Daily will appear on Thursday. You can all read it online. I haven’t decided what I’m going to write yet. (Surprise, surprise…do I ever know what I’m going to write about more than a few hours in advance?)
Anyway. I’d better get back to doing homework.