I was going to comment on how fall may have finally arrived in Houston and how, after raining all day yesterday, it is actually cool and pleasant outside this morning. Then i read Becca‘s diary and saw that in Switzerland, she’s already having to deal with temperatures that my southern butt considers “winter.”
Anyway. Switzerland aside, it really is nice and cool here this morning. And I finally realized the reason for all the rain — it’s just that it’s September in Houston. It always rains in September in Houston. I haven’t been here during the fall since my very first co-op tour in 1997, and I’d just forgotten. Ron reminded me. Rain. In any case, I can’t wait to get to Palo Alto, where the weather has been a constant 75 degrees all summer. I was talking to Nicole, a co-op from Stanford, and she says in the winter it gets down in the upper 40s, but rarely any colder. Maybe I’ll just stay in the San Francisco area forever…it sounds like the weather there is just the way I like it.
So my sister made a surprise stop at home yesterday, on her way back from the GT game in Annapolis. My mom told me about it over the phone, and it made me laugh. My dad said he was very confused when he looked out the window and saw Randy McDow. That made me laugh even harder. Randy McDow! At my house! Come on, that is just funny. Mom was so happy to hear that the Feighs had all been at the game, and brought food for the visiting PS kids. I, on the other hand, just thought “typical Feigh” and smiled. I wish I could’ve been at the game.
With my exit pitch done, I’m not really sure what I’m going to do at work for the next three days. I could continue my project, but I wouldn’t really be able to make any headway in three days, and by trying, I might actually make the transition of the project much worse for Bini, the new co-op in my group. So I’ll sit and pass time emailing and cleaning up my desk. Actually, I probably should write up some sort of document about what I did this summer, and summarize the changes to the postprocessor code… yeah, I guess I could do that. Off I go.