So I read both Becca and Karen‘s diaries this morning, and both had more references to the good ol’ Technique that I reminisced about yesterday. After reading what they wrote, I could write a whole entry covering more of the silly things I miss about the paper. Everything from skipping Aeroelasticity on Thursday mornings (die, aeroelasticity, die!) to the covert “To Hell with Georgia” assault on the UGA campus. Unlike Becca, it wasn’t the writing that got me going. I was just the opposite. It was the layout and copy editing that made me happy. Making it look pretty, making it sound pretty.
Anyway, I could carry on in this vein for pages. Instead, I’ll just say that out of everything I got involved in during my five years at Georgia Tech, the Technique was my favorite. By far. Hands down.
listening to: Counting Crows, “Have You Seen Me Lately”
I love this song! At the concert last friday, I asked Leila what her favorite Counting Crows song was, and we began to list songs until finally we both decided that we can’t pick one favorite. Depending on my mood, I choose a different song. “Anna Begins,” or “Raining in Baltimore,” or “Walkaways,” or “Love and Addiction.” But “Have You Seen Me Lately” probably pops up most frequently. Sometimes the electric version, sometimes the acoustic.
It’s raining outside, again. I’m glad to be getting out of town this weekend, and hopefully away from some the wetness. (Pause to check the weather for Atlanta.) Hmm, looks like it may rain there too. Oh well.
And now for my dorky moment of the day: Gavin and I got the postprocesser code working this morning! It interpolates! It interpolates AND gives the correct answer! Wahoo!