I had something I was going to write about this morning, but now I’ve forgotten. I hate it when that happens. Hmm.
I was so productive at work yesterday it was scary. Some days I just get in the groove, and yesterday was the first of those days in a long time. It was nice. My project is really picking up again…I have a lot to get done in the five weeks I have left. It’s hard to believe I’ve already been here for two months! Life is wonderfully normal. I almost miss the stress and sleepless nights of Georgia Tech. Almost.
I do miss the people though. I wish I could have been there with the old 119 crowd last Saturday for Carter’s birthday.
Oh! I remembered what I was going to write. I had a nightmare last night, which I know is not that unusual, but I haven’t had a nightmare in months…maybe even years. Normally I don’t even remember my dreams, but this summer I have been having tons. Very vivid ones too, not in the sense that they were disturbing or discomforting, but just in the sense that I can remember all the details of what happened in them. Last night’s was a nightmare though…I woke up with my heart pounding. Some guy that I didn’t even recognize went crazy, and started shooting people who had come out to this big auditorium to see an NSync concert. He was all upset because his girlfriend had broken up with him, or something, and I didn’t recognize his girlfriend either. I was on stage dancing when all of a sudden all the NSync boys ran outside to confront this guy with the gun. I ran outside too, but then I went back inside to help all the people who were panicking. Then my alarm went off.
Very weird. Rather disturbing. Also, I don’t know why no one I knew was there. It was just me, the NSync boys, and a bunch of strangers. Hmm. Ok, I’m going to move on because this is just freaky.
Last night the roomies and I went out to dinner and had some of the best barbeque I’ve ever had. Oh man, I can’t believe I didn’t discover Ryan’s Smokehouse until last night! And it’s so close! Mmmmm.
Afterwards, the boys went to play guitar and drums in the garage at Chris and Edgar’s place (the drumset is too loud to play in the apartment), and I came home…and decided to play my flute! I haven’t played since our flute choir concert back in April, and it felt really good to practice again, even if my pinky was throbbing when I finished. I think the fact that my pinky finger is always sore after playing probably means I don’t hold the instrument quite correctly, but after 14 years of playing, and playing well…it seems to work for me.
I think my sim has almost finished its run. Off to check.