I already shared photos from a couple of our days in Seattle, so it’s time for the rest! On Friday, Katie and Joel again took the day off work (yay!) so we all decided to take the ferry from Seattle across the Puget Sound to Bainbridge Island.
Emma thought being on a big boat was pretty cool, although at one point we took her on the front deck and it was CRAZY windy. She didn’t seem to like that very much. Fortunately, the back deck was much calmer — and it had the nice view of downtown Seattle too!
The ride over to Bainbridge was only about 30 minutes, and from the ferry terminal it was only a short walk up the hill to a little town full of shops and restaurants. We browsed a used book store for a bit before finding a restaurant on the harbor where we ate a late lunch.
Instead of walking back to the ferry terminal through the town, we took a different route along a trail along the shore. Everything out there was so green and lush compared to Houston right now — and in the grand scheme of things, Houston’s not even that bad. But I think we hit Seattle at just the right time of year. The weather was great, and there were huge flowering bushes (rhododendron, hydrangea, etc) everywhere.
When we got back to the ferry terminal in Seattle, it was rush hour and we didn’t want to fight traffic back to Auburn just yet, so we walked up to Pike Place Market. Emma, who had fallen asleep on the walk back to the ferry and napped for the entire return trip, didn’t see much of the market at first…
…but she woke up shortly after we got there and had fun people-watching. We snapped this family photo as we were leaving. Emma was pointing at a bus driving down the street — it turns out that she is kind of obsessed with buses at the moment, which was highly appropriate considering Katie is a bus transit planner for King County (the county Seattle is in). If you need further proof, you can watch this video. She repeated this same scene — “Bus! Bye bus! Bye bus!” — at least 30 times while we sat at Uwajimaya eating dinner.
[iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/ljJT-MBdxl0?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
Between the market and dinner, we also ducked into the Seattle Public Library, which has a really cool looking building. You can take the elevator all the way to the top floor, which is a big open reading room with neat views of the surrounding cityscape.
[iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/P0h9a5hVpG8?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
We all had fun running along a pedestrian bridge on our way back to the car after a fun day!
(This post is photo-heavy enough already, so I’ll do a “part 3” next week.)
Is she your twin sister? You sure look alike.
We get that a lot, but I’m 5 years older. She actually IS a twin — but with our brother, not with me!