Top Left: Jose went to Barnes and Noble last weekend and came home with a few books for Emma, including a thick board book of high contract black and white patterns meant for infants (who see contrast better than anything else at that age). A couple days ago, I put her down on her play mat for some tummy time and let her “read” her book at the same time. Multitasking already! That’s my girl.
Top Center: This afternoon we took Emma to Panera! It was only her second outing to anywhere other than the pediatrician and the mom’s group at the hospital. She slept in her carseat the whole time, covered up by a blanket, and Jose and I had a lovely relaxing lunch.
Top Right: Biiig yawn.
Center Left: When I went into labor, the dining room table was still covered with fabric and materials for some of my sewing projects. I usually set up my cutting mat there since it’s the best large, flat surface available. I kept thinking I’d clean it up after Emma arrived, but then I realized it’d be a lot easier to just accept that as a low priority task during maternity leave. So I went all in — I moved my sewing machine from the bonus room upstairs to the dining room table! Now I can do a little sewing while Emma naps without having to carry the baby monitor upstairs.
Center: Emma’s first trip to HEB! We took her on a quick grocery run on Thursday night. We just put her carseat right into the cart, which severely limited the available space for groceries but fortunately we didn’t need much.
Center Right: The rug that I ordered for the nursery back in May FINALLY arrived! It’s nice and soft and super cute but guess what? No flying pig! What the heck! That was one of the biggest selling points of the whole design! Upon further investigation, it seems like the flying pig is only on the larger versions of the rug. LAME. Oh well — the 4×6 size that we got is still cute.
Bottom Left: Emma screaming. Yep. That about sums it up.
Bottom Center: I’ve been happily partaking in an appropriately timed (i.e. between pumping sessions) alcoholic beverage from time to time now that I’m no longer pregnant. I was very excited to find St. Arnold’s Oktoberfest already available at HEB. Yay!
Bottom Right: I bought a Moby wrap a few weeks ago, but then was slow to try it out because the instructions said baby should weigh at least 8 pounds. So after getting confirmation this week that Emma has busted that milestone, I tried it out for the first time on Friday night. (After testing it with a teddy bear, I might add!) Emma seemed to like it all right — she sat in it for about 10 minutes before starting to fuss. But she’d been fussy before that, so it may not have been related to being in the wrap. I liked it a lot, and plan to give it another try tomorrow. I really like the idea of being able to put her in there while walking around the house or even running an errand. We’ll see!
I finally got Moby with Catherine and really liked how cozy she was in there. It was a little “bouncy” for fast walks, but good for the store or hands free around the house.
So many cute photos! Too bad about the pig. You were so excited about that rug!
That yawn is so precious.