I enjoyed my first foray into the world of sewing so much that I took a second class a couple weeks ago. We made a “hipster bag,” as they called it, and let me just say that it was a significantly more involved project than a pillowcase!! Nevertheless, here is the finished product:

(I used the “fashion” filter on that iPhone photo since, you know, I am looking so fashionable.)
The bag actually turned out looking pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I bought some outrageously bright and colorful fabrics so that even if I screwed up the sewing, I’d like the pattern, but it looks good enough that I could actually use it if I wanted. The most difficult part was when we did something called “stich in the ditch” where I had to sew on the good side right where the seam between the two fabrics come together. I can’t sew totally straight lines yet so the seam looks a little wobbly, but overall not too shabby.
The next day, I dragged Jose to several different stores in search of a sewing machine and finally ended up buying one from Walmart. It’s the “Project Runway” edition, so I’m pretty sure that means you should be on the lookout for me chatting it up with Tim Gunn sometime next year. I gave the machine its first workout by making another pillowcase with the fabric I had leftover from the first and I’m happy to report that not only did I thread the machine correctly, but I remembered how to construct the pillowcase too! Although it was a good thing I had the first one to look at as a guide…
This weekend, I’m taking a third class. The project is a kid’s dress, but since that’s not exactly useful to me at this point in time, the instructor said I could make pajama pants instead, which use the same techniques. Jose and I had some fun picking out fabrics for two pairs of pajama pants, so hopefully they turn out well.
you are absolutely prepared now to sew a new t-shirt quilt!
That is so cute. And if you do get into the t-shirt quilts let me know, I have a HUGE garbage bag full that are ready to go!
ha! this is the exact same sewing machine that nick bought a couple of months ago.
Nice job! “Make it work”, Sarah!
Maybe you can sew me a new transition bag!