My part of the CoFR process for the next Progress launch wrapped up today with a 6 a.m. meeting and a 12:30 p.m. meeting. I’ll let you figure out which one of those was more enjoyable… (They were actually both fine. I might not have been 100% awake for the first one though. Maybe.)
Anyway: I survived! I sounded like I knew what I was talking about! People told me I did a good job! So hooray!
Since I also had to present yesterday afternoon, I literally gave the same presentation 3 times within a 24-hour period. It’s amazing to see how many levels things are vetted through when the ultimate destination is an agency-level review board filled with very, very high level managers. The fact that I’m now in a position to present to very, very high level managers is a good thing (assuming I know what I’m talking about, anyway). The fact that it means I have to go through a plethora of “pre”-meetings…is actually not too bad, just a little exhausting.
Now that it is done, perhaps tomorrow I’ll have time to blog about something more interesting!