Fantastic photo taken by a United Space Alliance employee in Florida
I came across an informal poll posted on one of the many space-related blogs that I read and am curious to know what the results would be among my own family and friends.
In the comments section, post your answer to the following 4 questions. In the interest of getting honest and unadulterated feedback, I’d prefer that you answer immediately, without looking things up, and hopefully without looking at any answers posted prior to yours. (But by all means head straight to Google after you answer, if you are curious!)
- Which Space Shuttle is getting ready for launch?
- When is the next launch?
- What mission number is it going to be?
- How many Space Shuttle launches remain after this one?
- Bonus Question that I’m Adding: If you know some/all of the answers, where did you learn them?
And yes, you can answer even if you’re one of my friends who also works for NASA — but be warned that if you get any of them wrong, I will make fun of you!
ok i’ll play, though i am sure i’ll get everyone of them wrong. i’m very bad a remembering numbers.
1. discovery?
2. next week?
3. 84?
4. 1?
5. life : )
Not sure
125 or so?
2? Does anyone really know the answer to this?
I am a terrible aerospace engineer in terms of general space knowledge, but I manage to absorb a little bit now and then.
By the way, it’s nearly impossible not to see the answers prior to yours!
Yeah, I guess you’re right, oh well.
Columbia? November? STS-1492 (Columbus sailed the ocean blue) Two left?
It’s Discovery, my favorite! I imagine it’s launching “soon.” I don’t know what the mission number is. I imagine there are two or three launches left, but I haven’t really been tracking.
If you’re going to make fun of my for my lack of Shuttle knowledge, be warned I have surveys for Mars Science Laboratory and Orion that I can throw your way…
1. Discovery
2. early November
3. Don’t know
4. 2
5. YOU !!
Gosh I hope I don’t get these wrong.
1. Discovery
2. November ?
3. That I don’t know. 130 or 140 something. That range.
4. After this there is one more.
5. The morning news. I always pay attention to NASA stories.
1. Discovery
2. October, soon
3. 120-130
4. 2, did the billion dollar experiment get the go ahead? (After we spent the billion dollars.)
5. remembering headlines from daily review of Spaceflight Now
And remember, the Dawn spacecraft is going to visit Vesta in the summer of 2011.
1. Discovery
2. November 1
3. 133
4. 1. Possibly, if DC gets its act together and authorizes one final mission, 2.
5. NASA, Florida Today