So, 2010 is here. 2010! I vividly remember standing on a hill overlooking Los Angeles on December 31, 1999 and thinking how crazy it was that the year 2000 had arrived. I remember, less vividly, but still there, sitting in the den with my family on December 31, 1989 and thinking about the 90s. (And if you’re wondering, no, I don’t remember December 31, 1979 at all, but hey, I was there.)
Jose and I were talking about New Year’s resolutions as we drove back from Corpus Christi last Saturday, and I realized that I have quite a few. This year I’ve decided to stay away from generic resolutions like “lose weight” and “eat healthy” — because let’s face it, I always need to lose weight and eat healthy, not just in 2010 — and list specific, measurable things that I would like to accomplish. And here they are:
- Finish my M.A. in Digital Media Studies. As I mentioned yesterday, the coursework is complete! All that stands between me and the degree is a final project. I even have an idea, thanks to Karen, that should work quiet well. I’d planned to start last summer and finish last month, then start in the fall and finish in May. Neither of those happened thanks to the busyness of last year, but if I don’t have my degree by the time 2010 is through, well that’s just pathetic. (Not to mention that I worry that not having the degree is slowing progress towards my life and career goals down the line.) So I’m starting. This week.
- Tackle this blog. I have been blogging since the late 90s, and always about my life. In the past year, the number of entries has decreased, probably because my life has been running pretty dang smoothly. So, in 2010 I’d like to redesign this blog (a plan which has been in the back of my head for quite some time) but also shift the kind of content I publish. There will still be entries about my life, my running (which there will hopefully be more of in 2010), and the fun parts of my job. But there may also be entries about interesting things I find online, design projects I work on, craft projects I undertake, and more.
- Make a budget. This task was next to impossible in 2009 thanks to throwing a wedding, then combining our finances, then buying a house — all things that I don’t plan to do on a yearly basis, to say the least! This year — and hopefully this month — I want to put together a budget for our household. I’m not actually that interested in restricting our spending, but I do want a better handle on where that spending is going.
- Do the Lonestar Half Ironman. The race is scheduled for the last weekend of April, and I’m registered. It’s time to buckle down and do some serious training again. After completing only a single sprint triathlon in 2009, this goal carries a secondary goal — I hope that Lonestar will be a springboard into a successful summer triathlon season for me.
- Get the house in order. This is really a catch-all that contains three specific “sub-resolutions” that I want to get done sooner rather than later:
- Paint the kitchen.
- Clean out the garage.
- Decorate and organize the study.
- Make our wedding album. It’s been more than 6 months. We have beautiful photos thanks to Christine and Elaine. And I’m almost done with a degree in digital media. Um, why don’t I have a kick-butt album yet? Because I haven’t made one!
- Learn to sew. I’ve used a sewing machine before, so I know what I’m doing on a very, very basic level. But I’d like to be competent enough to make curtains, purses/bags, and perhaps a quilt or two. Of course this will require a sewing machine. Anybody know of a good one for beginners, or can recommend a source for used machines?
- Read 18 books this year. I like reading, yet I spend surprisingly little time actually doing it. Last year I read 10 books, and that number was boosted by the 4 books I read in the last two months. Since I’m now in a book club, I should be able to read at least 12 books this year without a problem. I threw in another 6 to up the ante. So: 18 books. This shouldn’t be difficult if I can overcome the evil TV.
That’s it for now. I had a couple more small goals that I can’t remember at the moment, but will add them when I do.
For sewing machines, you can pick up a basic Brother machine for less than $100 at your local Wal-Mart or Jo-Ann’s. I’d start there. You can try to track down a fancier used machine, but the cheap one will work just fine to get you started (it’s what I have, and it’s worked just fine without making me feel limited).
A good list. I look forward to following along. I don’t know anything about sewing, but you should check out Sew Crafty in the Heights. It looks like such a cute place and if I *did* start sewing I would definitely hang out there for inspiration.
Kindle for iphone (or a real Kindle) will help with the 18 books. I actually like reading in short bursts on my iphone and I’ve read one whole book so far on it in about a week in just the time I spent waiting places.