Last night was rough, and I am still in a bit of a funk this morning because of it.
It was one of my solo parenting nights, and there was just SO. MUCH. CRYING. She didn’t let me close the gate. She messed up my puzzle. She pulled my hair. The iPad isn’t working right. Now you took the iPad away (because of all. the. crying.) I don’t want to go upstairs. I don’t want to go to bed. And every time I tried to comfort one, the other one would start wailing because they weren’t getting attention.
By the time bathtime was wrapping up, I was so far beyond my limit that I started crying myself, despite my best efforts to rein it in. I was just so tired and frustrated. Anyway, that, of course, helped exactly nothing and only served to further upset Emma.
Then I had to sit in Charlotte’s room for AN HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES before she finally fell asleep, but I didn’t leave because if I left, she would cry, and I just couldn’t take any more crying.
So. Awesome night all around. Yay parenting.
Yesterday was “literary appreciation day” at the daycare, and I managed to get a last minute Daniel Tiger costume to go with one of Charlotte’s favorite books thanks to a friend who happened to have the costume in her closet and answered my Facebook plea. I didn’t go to see it, but someone at the daycare caught this photo. I didn’t expect her to wear the hat, but she did! Pretty cute, no?
She must have liked the costume because the event was in the morning but she was still wearing it (sans hat) when I picked her up at the end of the day.
My 100 Day Project is going well! After mentioning that I wasn’t super happy with my first 10 days or so, I made a tweak and started doing each block in a monochromatic palette. That was all it took, and I have been so much happier with my blocks ever since. It will be fun to start playing with quilt layouts when I get a big stack of them.
I hope today and tonight go smoother, and I could tell your enthusiasm seemed to tick up after thinking about the 100 Day project. The monochromatic blocks are looking great!
Oh man. It has been a week of vile spirits in our house too for no reason at all. Just feeling the solidarity. Your monochromatic squares look great!